Become a Member! Your membership and monetary donations will help support our student enrichment programs!   One of the first things we are asking is to contribute to our PTA membership ($10)Please consider becoming a member of PTA. This does not mean you are committed to any meetings or committees if that does not fit your schedule.  We always welcome help, but understand it is not possible for everyone.  Becoming a member of PTA simply means you want to help benefit children, youth, and the community.

A portion of your dues will go to the national PTA and a portion at our school so we can implement kid friendly programs right here at Imperial. Plus, you get PERKS for joining PTA! (Join today).

Volunteer! There are many ways to volunteer – get on the board, be on a committee, help at an event, bring food, drinks, and supplies and/or donate your services or resources. Attend a Meeting! Members are NOT required to attend meetings. However, all are welcome. Meetings are held monthly.